courses Archives - KSA
LEARN TO BE AN IMAGE CONSULTANT (course with certificate)
Grudzień 9, 2020 | M.Check what course we have for you in English! „Learn to be an image consultant” with Margaret Larmuth!
Kursy zimowe w Krakowskich Szkołach Artystycznych
Styczeń 14, 2020 | KarinaZapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą kursów i warsztatów zimowych w Krakowskich Szkołach Artystycznych.
Winter workshops in Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design
Styczeń 21, 2018 | Red.Do you have any plans for winter holiday? Do you think about getting new skills and do something really creative? Check winter workshops in Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design. It is the best opportunity to try new things.