Absolwenci SAPU na litewskim VIRUS FASHION! - KSA
Ewa Chojnacka, Daria Grabowska, Anna Maria Zygmunt oraz Artur Stec, absolwenci Szkoły Artystycznego Projektowania Ubioru wzięli udział w VIRUS FASHION – największych pokazach mody na Litwie.
VIRUS FASHION to jedno z najważniejszych wydarzeń modowych na Litwie.
International modern art festival VIRUS is the only, largest and the most professional festival in Northern Lithuania, combining all kinds of art and introducing the newest and most original art projects in the spheres of fine arts, fashion, dance, music, theatre, literature, media and cinema. It is a kind of laboratory of synthesis of various kinds of art and the only opportunity in Northern Lithuania to feel comprehensive spirit of modern art by participating and visiting different events of the festival. The festival VIRUS presents the projects not of fine arts only but art theory, modern dance, theatre, cinema, street art and vogue as well, in which one can get acquainted with up-and-coming possibilities of modern art, its forms and unexpected new synthesis of the kinds of art. During the festival, educational programmes are implemented, seminars, lectures, theoretical conferences are held.
Podczas tegorocznej edycji swe kolekcje pokazała m.in. czwórka młodych projektantów, którzy w 2017 r. ukończyli Szkołę Artystycznego Projektowania Ubioru.
Nasz absolwent, Artur Stec otrzymał 3. nagrodę w konkursie Virus Fashion.
Artur Stec / LESER
Ewa Chojnacka / Hojnatzka
Anna Maria Zygmunt
- SAPU graduates on Virus festiwal. Designs by Anna Maria Zygmunt.
Daria Grabowska
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