Zaprojektowani - Kraków meetings with design. - KSA
More than 70 exhibitors, a lot of workshops and lectures – „Zaprojektowani.” is the event dedicated to people who are really interested in design. The main organizer is the School of Interior Design, a part of Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design.
Zaprojektowani -design event in Cracow
The first edition of „Zaprojektowani.” took place in 2014. The main idea was to connect the design fairs with the knowledge about design. During the three days the participants had possibility to take part in lecturers, conference about design and also in the design fair which took place on the last day. In the first edition were about 5000 design lovers. The next edition will take part in this November.
Look at a few photos from the first and second edition.
- Photos form the last editions of design fairs
Learning design in Cracow
The main organiser is School of Interior Design which is a part of Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design. From more than 10 years young people have possibility to learn design from the best lecturers. They not only can get knowledge about creating space, but also have a chance to take part in many interesting events. “Zapojektowani” is one of the project connected with design.
Zaprojektowani 2017
In this year one more time will take place design fairs. All the exhibitors you can find on the Zaprojektowani website. What is more? It will be some lectures, meetings with people who work and teach design and also some workshops. The schedule will be published on: