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Night of Scientist - short report - KSA

Night of Scientist – short report

Fashion illustration, photography workshops, drama and choreography classes and much more – during the last edition of the Night of Scientist many young people could get to know all of them better. Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design was the partner of the 10th edition of the Night of Scientist.

The Night of Scientist – educational project

Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design was the partner of this, 10th edition of the Night of Scientist. It is a well-known popularized scientific project. During the opening audience could see the show performed by students of Choreography School. What s more during the event participants could take part in the workshops and meetings which were connected with the different art fields.

Małopolska Noc NaukowcówMałopolska Noc Naukowców

Workshops and lectures during the Night of Scientist

The classes were focus on many aspects. First of all, international audience could take part in the lecture titled “Fashion, photography, interior design, VM – inspirations and tendencies”. The lecturer was Margareth Larmuth who is a designer and artist from Switzerland. There were also lectures about the Visual Merchandising which were dedicated to the polish speaker audience.

During the Night of Scientist participants could also improve their skills by taking part in workshops. A plenty of them were connected with fashion and designing, especially redressing and jewelry design. Some of them were also connected with fashion illustration and creating a portfolio.

Małopolska Noc NaukowcówMałopolska Noc Naukowców

Participants could also have part in drama and choreography workshops. What is more, there were also a special classes dedicated to people interested in fashion photography. All of them were tutored by well known lectures and people who work in these fields.

Małopolska Noc NaukowcówMałopolska Noc Naukowców

More information about our school and learning possibilities you can find on our website.

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