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SAPU graduates on Virus festival – short report and photos

Grudzień 9, 2017 |

One more time graduates of our Fahion Design School — SAPU took part in the international event connected with fashion. This time SAPU graduates on Virus  festiwal presented their own collections. The event is the international modern art festival in Lithuania.

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Polish Talent Support – about the competition

Grudzień 3, 2017 |

Polish Talent Support is  the project dedicated to artist, who are living abroad Poland. Three different competitions like drama, fashion and photography are the chance to creative people to show their projects to the bigger audience. Read more about the unusual competition organised by Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design.

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Zaprojektowani – design fairs in Cracow.

Listopad 30, 2017 |

Design fairs, competition, workshops and lectures with many specialist not only from Poland but also from abroad. During this edition of „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days” people could have take part in all of this activities.

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School of Visual Merchandising

Listopad 27, 2017 |

The years of experience and the huge knowledge about different fields. From designing the shop space, by the knowledge about the clients and their psychology.  That are the things which should know each Visual Merchandisign specialist. By learning in Visual Merchandising School our students get possibility to have this knowledge.

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Publications of SAPU student – Magdalena Wilk-Dryło

Listopad 23, 2017 |

One more time designs by our student — Magdalena Wilk- Dryło are published in fashion magazines. Now on the cover of „Surreal Mag.” Read more about the photos and also about  the  another successes and publications by our talented student.

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Interior Design School

Listopad 19, 2017 |

Huge knowledge about creating useful space, using colors in interiors and about designing—that are the most important skills which every interior designers needs during his work. The School of Interior Design is a place where many young talented people can learn it.

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European Fashion Accelerator 2017 – Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design

Listopad 18, 2017 |

The Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design was the partner European Fashion Accelerator 2017. Read more about the event in which took part students of SAPU—school of Fashion Design and also our chief Dr Jerzy Gaweł, who had own lecture during the event.

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School of Fashion Design

Listopad 12, 2017 |

Being a fashion designer is not only about having a kind of talent. Is also about learning — how to design, how to sew, how to show designs on runway. From more than 25 years in Cracow, many young people have possibility to learn from the best teacher in the School of Fashion Design which is a part of Cracow School of Art and Fashon Design.

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Design fairs. Zaprojektowani Cracow Design Days.

Listopad 10, 2017 |

Unusual things by young polish brands, possibility to get know more knowledge about polish design and to find a perfect gift. Read more about design fairs during the „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days” which takes place on November 26th.

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Meet „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days.” lecturers – Margaret Larmouth and Monika Harłacz

Listopad 5, 2017 |

During this edition of „Zaprojektowani. Cracow Design Days” you can take part in many workshops and lectures. Get know better our lecturers, read the short biography and check the events in which they will take part.

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