Photography in English - KSA
Już od nowego roku akademickiego 2017/2018 startujemy z kierunkiem Photography in English!
Studenci Szkoły Kreatywnej Fotografii będą mieli możliwość uczestniczenia w zajęciach prowadzonych w języku angielskim. Photography School in English to 2- letnia szkoła (cztery semestry), której ukończenie pozwala na uzyskanie tytułu Art Photographer. Nauka prowadzona jest w systemie dziennym.
Program obejmuje wiele interesujących przedmiotów, takich jak fotografia reklamowa, fotografia mody, technika gumy chromianowej, fotografia reportażowa, fotografia martwej natury, techniczne aspekty fotografii, tradycyjne techniki ciemniowe, pracownia komputerowa, techniki prezentacji czy kompozycja.
Absolwenci SKF znajdują zatrudnienie w agencjach prasowych, magazynach i portalach modowych, agencjach reklamowych, wydawnictwach oraz w instytucjach kultury. Liczni zakładają własne firmy i pracują jako freelanserzy. Inni kontynuuje naukę na wyższych uczelniach, na Akademiach Sztuk Pięknych.
- Zdjęcia dyplomowe Fassala Thayakatha (SKF)
Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich pasjonatów fotografii, ludzi marzących o karierze w zawodzie fotografa oraz hobbystów chcących doskonalić swoje umiejętności! Rekrutacja już się rozpoczęła.
Liczba miejsc ograniczona. Decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń.
Więcej informacji znajdziecie pod adresem:
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Photography School in English
Number of places is limited. There are no entry exams. Classes are held in English.
The 2 year full-time program of the School of Creative Photography ( Poland, Europe) ends up with diploma collection of photographs on a chosen theme. The graduates receive diploma – Art Photographer. Every student presents his work during an individual exhibition in one of the galleries in Krakow . The educational philosophy is not to cram in information, but to release creative potential. This is accomplished through the personal attention. The school’s program is composed in the way that allows student to study all photography techniques. The School of Creative Photography ( Poland, Europe) is approved by the Polish Ministry of Culture, and is listed in the Ministry’s Art School Directory.
There are separate workshops for portrait, still nature, nude photography, fashion photography, advertising photography, landscape photography and press photography, visual arts, computer classes, presentation techniques and composition in photography. There also separate workshop for gumprint (an old technique with changes ordinary photos into extremely attractive artistic works in long lasting handmade process) and for liquid light photography (technique of pacing photography on different background like stones, wood, etc., involving use of specific emulsion). Except for regular classes students can attend photography studio for free.
The school is located in a pleasant and historic part of the city, an area characterized by its 19th century buildings. Its location is both central (less than one mile from the Wawel Castle) and convenient – a two minute walk from public transport.
School has two modern buildings.
Central to the school’s philosophy is a concept of the artist-teacher. All teachers are employed part-time so they are able to pursue their professional carriers alongside their teaching. Many are established and distinguished photographers and bring to the school their invaluable professional experience. This system ensures that the students are taught by a variety of individuals who offer different perspectives. All teachers place a high value on initiative, entrepreneurship, determination, evidence of experimentation, and the students’ willingness to look at the chosen subject with a fresh eye and an enquiring and critical mind. General arts classes are taught by university professors, artists with great professional achievements, participating in many international exhibitions We invite also international experts in various fields of photography and art: Lucia Benická (Slovakia), Gary Baseman (USA), Mark Bickerstaffe (UK), Ernestine Ruben (USA), Naomi Rosenblum (USA), Martin Pegler (UK), Carol Morgan (UK) and more. The educational philosophy is not to cram an information but to release creative potential. This is accomplished through the personal attention. Our success is based entirely on the flexibility, variety and quality of the curriculum we offer. We attract students who want to invest in a creative education as their first step towards a fulfilling and expressive future.