O absolwentce SAPU Pat Guzik w Majestigal Magazine.
O absolwentce i wykładowcy ze Szkoły Artystycznego Projektowania Ubioru, Pat Guzik możemy przeczytać w Majestigal Magazine.
Pat Guzik mieszka i pracuje w Krakowie. Ukończyła filozofię oraz projektowanie ubioru. Jej kolekcja dyplomowa została nagrodzona 6-miesięcznym stypendium w Escuela de Diseño y Alta Costura w Walencji. Swą kolekcję pokazała m.in. w Rydze (Habitus Bajtija), Hannover (Finals Moda), Budapeszcie (Central European Fashion Days) oraz Hong Kongu (Hong Kong Fashion Week).
„I love approaching fashion in an exploratory way, I always ask the questions first and my work develops out of finding the answers. Discover new way in my design process, working on new techniques, make my own labyrinth of symbols which take you through my story I truly believe that love has no age, no gender, no race so I want to design the same way as my belief. I also work in accordance to the sustainable fashion rules. I like the moments when I leave the workspace at the end of the day feeling good about being conscious of the importance of sustainability, as the responsibility is in our hands.
I cant imagen life without creativity. It is the biggest part of my life. Before fashion design I was studying Philosophy. It has been important in the development of my work. One of the favourite things I learnt from Philosophy and Sociology was from artist Louise Bourgeois who said “ the act of sewing is a process of emotional repair”. So probably that’s the reason I feel better when I am being creative. Of course it is tough. My boyfriend is an Illustrator and we work together on prints for my collections so even my private life is very creative.” (Pat Guzik)