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Program SAPU in English - Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design

The 2.5 year full-time program introduces students to the essential skills of fashion and textile design from sketch pad to catwalk. It includes fashion design, textiles, fashion illustration, garment construction and garment styling. English classes are held for two years and Polish classes are held for one year. The graduates receive diploma – Fashion Designer.

Throughout the first semester students are introduced to the basic skills necessary to develop their creativity. There are separate workshops for life drawing, colour study, composition, painting, shoe design, jewellery design and apparel design.

The second semester provides students with the opportunity for further development of their skills in fashion design. New workshops are introduced, i.e. patternmaking, shoe design and textile design. Different colour techniques, modes of expression and numerous presentation methods are offered to the students. At the end of each semester students present their work at a scheduled fashion show.

The second year employs the basic skills already learned to develop a personal style through design research and to study many different fashion products. Students practise sketching men, women and children, and they research fashion trends, fabric choices, colour cards, and current season’s publicity material. In this year we emphasize definition, development and creation of collections. New workshops are introduced, i.e.: accessories including millinery, textile technology, fashion photography and the history of fashion. Again, at the end of each semester, students’ works are presented at fashion shows.

The fifth and final semester concludes with an opportunity to design and manufacture a collection. The best collections are presented at the Diploma Show Cracow Fashion Awards, in late March, the highlight of the school’s academic year. The show is attended by many distinguished visitors, industry representatives seeking new talent, gallery owners, media, as well as parents and friends. The Diploma Show is accompanied by the Exhibition of graduates’ paintings, drawings, photography and jewelry works.

  • See students’ works

  • See diploma fashion show – Cracow Fashion Awards

  • See fashion shows

  • See portfolios

  • Weeklong fashion design workshops

    1. 01.07-05.07.2013
    2. 08.07 – 12.07.2013
    3. 26.08 – 30.08.2013

    DURATION: 5 days/ 30 unites of 45 min.
    PRICE: 390 zł
    VENUE: ul. Zamoyskiego 52, Cracow
    The number of places is limited. Payment is necessary to secure the place. This course is in Polish, but the lecturer will be happy to explain in English.

    Are you fascinated by fashion design? Awake your creativity during the summer workshops. You will learn the latest fashion trends and create your first authentic garment supervised by the teachers of Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design. By the end of the course your work will be presented alongside your colleagues during a fashion show. All classes will be in the form of practical sessions with elements of theory. You will receive a workshop diploma at the end of the course. Each week starts on Monday at 10 am and finishes on Friday. For any questions please contact Katarzyna Rapacz

    Weeklong jewelry workshop

    1. 01.07 – 05.07.2013
    2. 08.07 – 12.07.2013
    3. 26.08 – 30.08.2013

    DURATION: 5 days/ 30 unites of 45 min
    PRICE: 150 Euro
    VENUE: ul.Zamoyskiego 52, Cracow
    The number of places is limited. Payment is necessary to secure the place.

    Classes are held in English. The class will be held in a profesional jewelry workshop. Fully equipped will all necessary tools and materials ( working with metal). You will design and make your own pieces of brass jewelry – all materials provided. Each student will receive a workshop diploma at the end of the course. Each week starts on Monday at 10 am and finishes on Friday afternoon. For any questions please contact Katarzyna Rapacz  or

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